A Free Colon Cleanse Home Remedy
Cleansing solution
For reverse osmosis purification, make a simple solution of one liter of purified water (bottled water) and 4 tablespoons of organic sea salt. Iodized table salt will not work. Sea salt has a higher density and will act as high dose fiber while traveling through the colon. The body acclimates to warm water faster than cold, so your bottled water should be room temperature.
The flush will begin to work within an hour or so. Prepare for several strong bowel movements and the possibility of several smaller ones. Continue drinking water during the flushing as there is a risk of dehydration.
The solution will have a bad taste and an even worse aftertaste. Some find it easier to drink the entire flush in one shot. Find what works for you; however, the entire liter must be finished to work properly. Follow this process for three to four days or until the waste is clear and mostly liquid.
Some programs recommend a step up and step down process before and after a colon cleanse. This is not strictly necessary, but it is helpful. Reducing the consumption of processed foods, meat and alcohol two to three days prior to your flush will intensify the effects of the colon cleanse. Master Cleanse recommends a two-day fruit and vegetable diet.
A step down is exactly the same as a step up, save it works in reverse. The body to begins a slow acclimation to food again.