How to Purge & Cleanse Your System
Perform a body cleanse that purges your system of toxins and jump starts your metabolism. Programs that help flush out your system include Master Cleanse and the fruit juice diet, fasting cleanses that help you eliminate solid food from your diet for a period of three to 10 days. During this period you consume only liquid concoctions recommended by each program. A colon irrigation will also help cleanse your system, by flushing the colon via the rectum with a water, coffee or saline solution.
Drink at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of pure water every day. This hydrates your body, helps eliminate toxins and improves metabolic function.
Exercise regularly. This helps improve metabolism and eliminates toxins by burning up fat reserves.
Consume more fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables and open range meats and dairy products. Fiber increases bulk that scrubs the colon. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide low calorie, vitamin rich meals and snacks. Open range meat and dairy products reduce the number of antibiotics and steroids consumed through your food.
Reduce the amount of processed foods you eat and drink. This includes anything that has artificial colors, flavors or preservatives as well as processed grains and sugars. Many alternative lifestyles recommend a "raw diet" advocating only natural and unprocessed foods.
Eliminate caffeine, nicotine and other stimulants. These stimulants impede your body from naturally producing the energy it needs and lead to extreme crashes.