Cayenne Pepper Diet Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Orange juice
- Fresh lemons
- Pure maple syrup
- Cayenne pepper
- Filtered water
- Herbal laxative
- Sea salt
Ease-In Diet
Prepare your body for the Cayenne-Pepper Diet by reducing your food intake and eliminating processed foods from your diet. On Day 1 of the Ease-In, consume only whole, natural foods such as fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods, meat and dairy.
Eliminate solid foods from your diet during Day 2 of the Ease-In Diet. Consume only blended foods, fresh juices and broths to help prepare your body for a completely liquid diet.
Make 2 liters of homemade orange juice for Day 3 of the Ease-In Diet by manually or electrically juicing fresh oranges. The orange juice can be diluted with water to taste, and 2 or 3 tbsp. pure maple syrup can be added to increase the caloric intake. Consume only the homemade orange juice for the final day of the Ease-In Diet.
Take a laxative the night before you begin the Cayenne-Pepper Diet to aid in the removal of waste and toxins from the body.
Cayenne-Pepper Diet
Determine whether you will continue taking a nightly laxative for the length of the cleanse, or whether you will do a daily salt water flush, which involves drinking 1 qt. water with 2 tsp. sea salt dissolved in the water. Both help eliminate as much harmful waste as possible from the body. If you choose to do the salt water flush, begin it on Day 2.
Make the lemonade by combining 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice, 2 tbsp. pure maple syrup, 8 oz. pure, filtered water and cayenne pepper to taste. To make sure that the drink doesn't lose any of its healthful enzymes, it is important that the drink be made fresh immediately before it is drunk. It is also important that that lemons be kept on the counter---not in the refrigerator where the enzymes become dormant.
Drink between six and 12 glasses of lemonade each day to curb your hunger and provide you with the calories that your body needs to function properly. In addition to the lemonade, drink as much pure water as you'd like.
Take an herbal laxative each night before bed if you are not doing the salt water flush. The laxative should produce a bowel movement upon waking in the morning. If you do not have a bowel movement, increase the dosage slightly on the next night. If you experience bloating or cramping, decrease the dosage slightly.
Follow the cleanse for 10 days for the maximum benefit, being sure to drink adequate amounts of lemonade and to do either the salt water flush or the herbal laxative each day.
Ease out of the Cayenne-Pepper Diet by following the Ease-In Diet instructions in reverse. This step is extremely important for preparing your digestive system for solid food.