Low-Fiber Colon Cleansers

Many products on the market claim to detoxify your body by removing years of accumulated waste matter that has clogged your colon and poisoned your system. Most of these colon cleansers contain a variation on the same herbal cocktail that includes senna, milk thistle and cascara sagrada. These are are known laxatives and liver purges. In addition to the herbs, these cocktails contain psyllium husk.
  1. Fiber Supplements

    • Before deciding to use a low-fiber alternative, consider the benefit of fiber supplements in a colon cleanse program. Psyllium husk is an insoluble fiber that is also used in common over-the-counter fiber supplements. The psyllium husk absorbs water from the intestines and swells up, pressing on the intestinal walls to promote elimination. According to the manufacturers of the products, the husk sweeps the colon walls of any impacted matter. Whether this is the case, a diet high in soluble and insoluble fiber is a proven way to lower your chances of several forms of cancer. Some people experience constipation when using psyllium husk, but drinking at least two quarts of water per day can alleviate this.

    Non-Fiber Alternatives

    • If you do not tolerate psyllium husk, or have a medical reason why you should not include fiber in your cleansing regimen, alternatives do exist. A sea-salt laxative is an effective and safe way to get your bowels moving if you experience constipation. Use non-iodized, minimally processed sea salt only. Add 2 tsp. of salt to 2 cups of filtered water and drink it fairly quickly on an empty stomach. Within an hour you will begin to feel the effect as the salt water moves through your digestive tract. Expect to have two or more loose bowel movements within a few hours. Drink plenty of water to replace the water you're losing in these loose stools. A variation on this is to use Epsom salts in place of sea salt.

      An oxygen-based cleanse is a recent trend. Sellers claim they work by bringing oxygen into the bowels, breaking down impacted fecal matter so it can be eliminated. The method of delivery is part of its appeal. Instead of mixing in water and enduring grittiness or bad taste, you swallow a capsule and the ozonated magnesium oxide does the rest. These are reportedly safe, according to a 2005 study conducted by J.K. Lalla, PhD of the Mayfair Clinical Education and Research Centre, and do not harm the intestinal flora.


    • If you are embarking on a colon cleanse due to current problems with constipation, try drinking at least two quarts of water per day and increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. This should help you in the long run.

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