Swartz Kidney Detox
Change of Diet
When considering a kidney detox it is important to switch from an unhealthy to a healthy diet. This means cutting down on caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, junk foods, highly saturated foods and the like. Apart from the lack of adequate nutritional value these foods are sources of substances that not useful for the body. As a result, toxins eventually build up resulting in impaired bodily functions such as tissue repair and regeneration. Thus, you can start off with a healthy, nutritious food such as a revitalizing ginseng chicken soup.
Ingredients for Dr. Swartz's soup
For this soup you will need one small black chicken, which you can find in a Chinese grocery store, five quarter-sized ginger (sliced into ¼ inch thick pieces), three or four teaspoons of Shou Wu Chih, ten Chinese red dates, one piece of dried ginger, two or three cloves of garlic and half of a package of thin ginseng root. The ginger roots look like thick twigs that come with a string around them. It is best if the ginger roots are organically grown to be sure that they are free from toxins.
Preparation of Soup
The chicken needs to be washed and soaked in salt water to be thoroughly clean. Peel off and slice the ginger and garlic. Also rinse the the ginseng root and the red dates. After cleansing and preparing these ingredients, place the chicken in a large pot, along with ginseng root, Shou Wu Chih, red dates, ginger and garlic. Pour in enough water to cover all ingredients. Bring to a hard boil. Once the water has started boiling, lower the heat and allow to simmer for two hours. This will extract the savory juices from the chicken and other ingredients. Once done, remove from heat and add seasonings, including two teaspoons of sea salt, five tablespoons of rice wine and a splash of sesame seed oil. The soup is best served hot.
Benefits of Detox
This soup will not only be nutritional but also a good way to deal with and remove body toxins. The ginger root is known for its health benefits, such as strengthening kidney function by increasing kidney filtration. The stressors and fast, unhealthy food we consume, are putting a great deal of toxins in our body, especially the kidneys. That is why kidney detox is essential in helping cleanse and rejuvenate kidney function. After detox you will be in a lighter mood, have an invigorated feeling and rejuvenated body.