Detoxify Techniques
Water Detox
A water detoxification is effective for both a short or long fasting period and can be extended from one to 40 days. A 10-day water fast is the most common for a water detox and will cause the same weight loss as a 30-day juice fast, as well as removing toxins at a rapid rate. When conducting a water detox it is recommended to eat only raw vegetables and fruits, as well as juice, the week before, and include two or three days of juice fasting after the water fast. The best water to use for a detoxification is distilled water, though spring water and filtered water are also sufficient. No food can be eaten during a water detox and it therefore requires a great amount of physical and mental discipline. Dizziness and blackouts can be a concern during a water detoxification and it is important to take deep breaths to get the heart pumping before physical activity or exertion.
Monodiet Detox
A monodiet detoxification requires that a person eats only one food for a period of time, usually a week. Because the body is focused on digesting only one food type, it will concentrate its remaining energy on repairing internal systems and ridding of waste and toxins. The monodiet is typically fruit based, such as eating only apples or only grapes for a week long period. The advantage of the monodiet detox is that it is not a complete fast, which lessens the potential for extreme reactions to the detoxification process.
Chelation Detox
A chelation detoxification introduces elements into the body which help to eliminate mercury and heavy metals. Chlorella, a form of algae, is a natural detox agent which works to rid some of the more harmful toxins in the bloodstream, including mercury. Small doses of Chlorella are recommended to start a chelation detox, though the intake can be gradually increased as the body becomes accustomed to its effects. Other foods that can be used for a chelation detox include cilantro, which removes mercury from the bloodstream, coriander, which eliminates both mercury and lead and garlic.
Alkaline Diet Detox
The acid and alkaline levels in the body can contribute to the build-up of toxins, damaging cells and increasing the number of free radicals in the bloodstream. An alkaline diet detox requires the consumption of a high level of alkalizing foods compared to acid forming foods and requires a pH buffing supplement. Some typical alkaline foods include lettuce, carrots, peas, avocados, apples, almonds and tofu.