How to Flush Pesticides Out From Your Body
Things You'll Need
- Full-body cleanse
- Kaolin clay
- Fruits
- Vegetables
Eat organic foods. Remove pesticides from your diet by choosing foods that have not been sprayed with them.
Eat living foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Detoxify your liver by eating onions, broccoli, artichokes and cauliflower. Fresh fruit and whole fruit juice, including berries, citrus, apples, nectarines, melons and bananas detoxify your body. Eat your fruit alone or before you eat anything else.
Add herbs to your diet, including milk thistle, turmeric, ginger, dandelion and marshmallow.
Eliminate recreational drug addictions and habits, including tobacco, because pesticides are used to keep the plants healthy.
Drink water. Your body works hard to naturally eliminate toxins, but it needs a lot of water to flush the pesticides out of your kidneys.
Take a Kaolin clay bath. Fill your bath with a mixture of clay and water, and the clay will act like a magnet to pull the pesticides out of your body, according to Greg Kuschwara, a nationally certified health education specialist. Kaolin clay can be purchased from most health food stores.
Reduce the amount of meat and dairy in your diet. Animals eat grasses that are laden with pesticides, and these toxins are transferred into their meat and milk.
Exercise regularly to cleanse your lymph system and flush toxins from your blood.
Do a full body cleanse. Check with your doctor for suggestions, but make sure the cleanse flushes kidneys, clears your liver and purifies the blood.