How to Have Will Power on the Master Cleanse
Stay optimistic about your goal. When positive thoughts are flowing through the mind, self-confidence is also uplifted. The way a person thinks translates to how he will act. Think encouraging thoughts about the cleanse. For instance, consider how much better the body will feel after releasing toxins. Also reflect on the rewards of completing this challenge. Negativity often keeps people from fulfilling their goals, so banish negative thoughts.
Plan to succeed. Gather the necessary ingredients needed for the detox. Set a scheduled time to prepare the juice and drink it. Have any recommended foods on hand to make a smooth transition from juice to food. Planning ahead can make the process more bearable. Create a checklist and a calendar to refer to during the cleanse.
Seek group support. Ask friends, family or co-workers if they would like to challenge themselves by doing the Master Cleanse. Hold regular meetings to update one another on any progress or setbacks. In this way, group members hold each other accountable. The group can also consult others all around the country who have devoted themselves to doing the cleanse.
Find motivation. The reasons for doing the Master Cleanse vary from person to person. If the goal is to lose weight, think about getting into smaller clothes. If the purpose is to gain better health, think of being alive to see great-grandchildren. A person will be less inclined to cheat if there is an incentive at the end of the tunnel.
Keep busy during the detox. Being inactive only makes the mind and body more vulnerable to accepting defeat. Incorporate exercise into the challenge, go shopping, catch a movie or spend quality time with others.