How to Cleanse With Tabasco Sauce
Things You'll Need
- Tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper
- Purified water
- Fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice
- Grade B maple syrup
Substitute Tabasco Sauce for Cayenne Pepper
Consult your doctor before you decide to embark on a Master Cleanse diet of any duration. The actual health effects of "detoxifying" the body have not been verified, and the rapid weight loss you may experience from embarking on such a "cleanse" could be dangerous. It is always a good idea to discuss dramatic changes to your diet or lifestyle with your healthcare provider ahead of time.
Mix 24 ounces of water, 3 ounces of lemon or lime juice, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper or 1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce, and 3 ounces of maple syrup to make enough Master Cleanse "lemonade" to last a day, or three servings. Adjust the amount of cayenne pepper or Tabasco sauce to taste if desired. Store the mixture in your refrigerator.
Drink three 8-to-10-ounce servings of the Master Cleanse mixture every day for ten days. Do not consume any other food during this time, except for clear, unsweetened beverages, such as green or herbal tea.
When you have completed the ten-day Master Cleanse, ease yourself back onto a diet of solid foods. Immediately beginning to consume the foods you ate prior to the Master Cleanse can shock your digestive system and cause nausea, gas, diarrhea, and other discomforts. The first day after you have finished the cleanse, drink only liquids, such as smoothies and herbal tea, and eat easy-to-digest foods like applesauce.