Purification Diets
Principles of Purification
Migraines and other head pain may be alleviated with a purification diet. Much as spring cleaning freshens your home, purification diets cleanse the body of dietary and environmental toxins and pollutants. Chemicals with potentially harmful effects are contained in many of the substances we use, ingest or to which we are exposed in our daily lives. Some examples include pesticides, insecticides, artificial food additives, alcohol, caffeine, carbon monoxide, highly processed food and refined sugars. Toxic chemicals are often stored in body fat, skin and hair, as well as our digestive, lymphatic and gastrointestinal systems. The build-up of these toxins can result in such health issues as chronic illnesses, nausea, fatigue and migraines.
The Liver Cleanse Diet
Berries are particularly rich in anti-oxidants. Perhaps one of the most popular purification diets is the liver cleanse, a way of eating that can help improve appetite, aid in weight loss, reduce food cravings and strengthen the immune system. Crucial elements of a liver cleanse are the intake of anti-oxidants and certain spices. Anti-oxidants, compounds that combat free radicals -- unstable molecules the body produces in response to environmental toxins -- are found in berries, pomegranates, plums, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, red cabbage, peppers, artichokes, leafy greens and red beets. The spices ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg are recommended to help flush environmental toxins from the liver.
Raw Food Purification
Eating a plant-based, raw food diet is optimal for detoxification. A raw, plant-based diet consists of unprocessed foods not heated above 46 degrees Celsius (115 degrees Fahrenheit). Supporters of this diet believe that foods cooked at higher temperatures lose their nutritional value and can harm the body. Typical raw foods include sprouted grains and legumes, fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts. This works as detox diet, an effective weight loss method and encourages healthy eating habits. Raw foods are also associated with increased energy levels, improved digestion, amelioration of allergies, reduced cholesterol levels and a reduction in candida. As with other purification diets, it's important to consume organic produce whenever possible and eat a wide variety of plant-based foods.
The Fat Flush Diet
Exercise is an important part of the fat flush diet. Similar to the raw foods diet, the fat flush diet is helpful for general detox and weight loss. According to "The Fat Flush Plan" author Ann Louise Gittleman, three sequential dietary phases help to "boost metabolism, reduce water retention, and promote fat loss." In the first phase of the two-week diet, calories are severely restricted and certain foods are off the menu. These include the usual suspects -- fats, sugar and alcohol -- as well as foods like grains and starchy vegetables. Following this phase, caloric intake increases at the same time a program of exercise is introduced.
When Purification Diets are Not for You
Eat low on the food chain to maximize nutrient intake. With purification diets, one size does not fit all. These diets are not recommended if you are diabetic, have a heart condition, an eating disorder, are pregnant or breast-feeding. Young children, teens, seniors and those with compromised immune systems should also not pursue purification diets. The underlying principles of purification and detox, however, are applicable to most people: eat more healthy, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains and reduce consumption of refined, processed, saturated fat-laden and artificially-colored and flavored foods.