How to Fast to Cleanse Your Body
Fasting to Cleanse Your Body
Choose which type of fast you would like to follow as there are various types of cleansing fasts. Search the Internet, use your local library or consult your doctor to research which type of fast will suit your particular tastes, preferences or medicinal needs. Pick a date to begin your fast and keep in mind social events and obligations that could potentially threaten your fasting.
Reduce your caloric intake in days leading to the fast to prepare your body for the restrictions of the fast you've chosen. Remove most food from your home in order to avoid temptation. Most fasts also recommend stopping any nutritional supplements in the days before a fast.
Begin your fast. Follow the guidelines of the fast you have selected. Limit physical exertion during your fast. Keep yourself relaxed by meditating or getting massages.
End your fast with a small meal. A large meal might lead to discomfort depending on the type of fast you have completed. Increase your food intake gradually until your normal diet is resumed.