Master Cleanse Hints
What to Expect
The Master Cleanse is intended to purify the body of years of undigested food that has become trapped in the colon. In fact, the Master Cleanse Secrets website notes that a properly performed cleanse can flush out "20 pounds or more of putrid fecal plaque, phlegm, mucus, and other waste." Not surprisingly, those who undergo the program see substantial weight loss. However, making it to the end of the 10-day regime is not easy,
Psychological Hints
The website provides some hints, all of a psychological nature, designed to aid the process. The first hint is to steel oneself mentally for the coming food deprivation by circling the start date on a calendar in order to begin the process of "psyching up." In addition, those beginning the cleanse are advised to buy a notebook to write down all the benefits that are expected from the cleanse, such as weight loss and increased energy. This will provide inspiration to keep going and not quit partway through. Another hint involves ridding one's house of all food other than lemons, maple syrup and cayenne to lessen the possibility of succumbing to temptation.
Plan Distractions
Plan a wide range of distracting activities during the 10 days of the cleanse to keep your mind off your hunger. Physical activity such as walking or jogging can prove to be an excellent distraction, especially if done with someone else. However, it's important to ensure any activity chosen will help you stay positive. When watching a movie, for example, try to pick something inspirational that involves the protagonist overcoming adversity, as opposed to something with a more negative outcome.
Mistakes to Avoid
There are several things to avoid during the Master Cleanse. For example, it is recommended that cleansers avoid using low-grade maple syrup, as the purity of unrefined maple syrup is an important part of the process. Another thing to avoid is running out of lemons by ensuring there is always an ample supply. One final mistake to avoid is to break the fast too quickly; the body needs to be eased into solid food, so it's important to follow directions and make smart, healthy food choices upon completion of the cleanse.