Lemon Juice Diets
Falcon Blanco Lemon Cleanse Guide
This version of the lemon cleanse has you mix lemon, grade B maple syrup, a pinch of cayenne pepper and approx 12 oz. of purified water. Mix this cleansing cocktail together and drink. You can drink as many as you want during the day, with the minimum amount being 12 8 oz. servings. Along with the lemonade, it's crucial that you drink lots of purified water as well. Follow this regimen for between 10 to 40 days, without eating any food. Please note that you should always consult a health professional before beginning this cleanse, especially if you are diabetic.
A Lemon A Day To Keep The Doctor Away
If you're not quite ready to embark on a "lemon only" diet, introducing a lemon into your daily meal plan will help to cleanse your system, stimulate digestion and help you ward off more sick days with all the vitamin C you'll be taking in. Squeeze a fresh lemon in the morning, mix a few tablespoons with pure water and enjoy. If you're brave, you can eat a chunk of lemon -- peel and all -- to amp up the cleanse factor.
The Mini-Cleanse
For some, the goal of eating or drinking lemon is not just to lose weight but to implement the healing powers of lemon into their daily eating patterns. If that's you, you can get creative with different ways to toss lemons into your diet. The most important thing, whether you drink fresh lemon juice or cook with the lemons, is that you never use processed or canned lemon juice. This is a huge no-no since many of these products have refined sugars and preservatives that will serve to introduce toxins into your system, defeating the purpose of using lemons.
10 Day Master Cleanse and Saltwater
With this "one-two" combo of lemon juice and salt water, you can literally watch the scale drop as you shed toxins and excess weight. The lemon juice, a mix of fresh squeezed lemons, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and pure water, is no different from most lemon diets. But the saltwater, made by mixing 2 tbsp. of natural sea salt with 1 qt. of water, will up the cleansing power of this diet by allowing you to retain more of the purified water within your body, displacing more toxic fluids and particles. On top of that, this diet recommends you buy an herbal laxative with senna to aid in the purging process. Overall, this diet will be the most comprehensive in your quest to lose weight and purge your system of toxins.