How to Cleanse the Body of Heavy Metals
Visit a natural health care practitioner and get tested for heavy metals. Expect to give a blood, urine or hair sample for this test. If he deems your levels to be higher than average, begin a heavy metal cleanse.
Drink eight to 10 ounces of bottled water each day along with nutritional supplements to help combat heavy metal toxicity such as chlorophyll, alpha lipoic acid, vitamins C and B, and a multivitamin containing magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron.
Eat raw vegetables. The increase in fiber to your diet will help your body rebuild its tissue. Green "super foods" such as kale and spinach also are high in chlorophyll, which is a potent natural cleansing agent.
Avoid alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, caffeinated beverages, tap water, fast food and refined sugars. Stay away from fried foods and foods high in additives, preservatives, polyunsaturated fats and hydrogenated oils. Remove white flour foods, soft drinks and monosodium glutamate (MSG) from your diet.
Take an enema on the first and second day of your cleanse. Enemas assist in removing toxins and help relieve stress from your body.
Exercise moderately. Perform deep breathing exercises while taking a brisk walk or during your morning workout. The increased oxygen will help clear your lungs and respiratory system.
Visit your natural health care practitioner after three months to have your heavy metal levels tested. If your levels still are elevated, continue the cleanse for another three months, and then get tested again.