Detoxing Tips
Get Regular Exercise
Set up a daily routine that involves at least 15 minutes a day of moderate activity, such as a brisk walk or a light jog. The primary goal involves working up a sweat and raising your heart rate, not working to the point of exhaustion. Gradually increase the length of exercise if possible; 30 minutes a day is an ideal amount of time to aim for.
Eat Organic Foods
Avoid all processed foods, which are loaded with preservatives, chemicals and hydrogenated fats. Instead, eat wholesome foods such as fruits, nuts and vegetables. Reduce meat intake if at all possible, but when you do choose to eat meat, make sure the product is of the grass-fed, organic variety.
Drink Liquids Frequently
Liquids, particularly water, are an invaluable part of any detoxing process, so aim to drink at least 12 8-ounce glasses a day. If you tire of drinking water exclusively, choose a natural juice product over a sugar-filled soda. To stimulate the digestion process, begin each day by drinking room-temperature water with fresh lemon. Doing this when you wake in the morning flushes toxins from the body, according to Dr. Mark Heyman, M.D., founder and director of the Ultra Wellness Center in Massachusetts.
Reduce Harmful Chemicals
Chemicals such as caffeine, alcohol and tobacco pose a number of serious health risks to the body. Eliminate alcohol and tobacco entirely, and at least reduce your caffeine intake. If you crave coffee to wake up in the morning, try cutting back to just one or two cups a day to lessen your reliance. Gradually, you may find yourself able to get rid of the caffeine entirely.
Alternate Shower Temperatures
Finish every shower with alternating doses of hot and cold water temperatures. Turn the heat as high as your body tolerates, and then turn the water all the way the other direction. Doing this a few times every morning helps boost circulation in your body.