How to Try Master Cleanse Diets

The Master Cleanse, also referred to as the lemonade diet, is a diet introduced by Stanley Burroughs. When performed for the entire 10 days the Master Cleanse can detoxify your body. Detoxification will rid the body of any impurities it may have from eating processed foods. In addition to detoxifying, this diet is often used as a way to prepare your body for other diets such as a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Whatever the reason for doing this diet, the most important thing you will need is the will power to last the entire ten days. This is often the hardest because the lemonade is your only food source.

Things You'll Need

  • Laxative Tea
  • Cup
  • 2 tablespoons Grade B Maple Syrup
  • 1/10 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon or lime juice
  • 8 ounces Pure Water
  • Spoon
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  1. The Master Cleanse

    • 1

      Brew a cup of laxative tea after waking up and before you go to bed every day. This will ensure that you are eliminating properly during the diet. The tea also makes the detoxifying process speed up.

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      In your cup put two tablespoons of grade b maple syrup. The maple syrup provides your calories for energy. It also contains nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which are essential to the body.

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      Next, put 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to the cup. This helps to break down mucus within the body. Cayenne pepper also contains B and C vitamins which are needed for energy and benefit the body.

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      Next, add two tablespoons of fresh lemon or lime juice to the cup. Fresh juice is preferred because it contains valuable enzymes that aid in the digestion process.

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      Lastly, add eight ounces of pure water to the cup and stir the ingredients together with the spoon. Use the purest water when possible, tap water is not the preferred source.

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