How to Start a Water Detox
Get the okay from your doctor before starting a water detox. Water detoxification lasting longer than 48 hours should be medically supervised.
Drink sugar-free fresh fruit juices and eat only raw foods for two days before starting your water detox to help your body acclimatize for what is about to come.
Drink 2 to 3 liters of filtered and distilled water throughout the day. Avoid drinking tap water since it may contain salts, pollutants and trace levels of heavy metals. Don't use mineral water for your water detox since it can cause adverse reactions. Drink a set amount of water at pre-scheduled times. Set a timer if needed.
Stop eating food all together, or keep eating regularly during the detox and increase your fiber intake by taking a fiber supplement or eating fiber-rich foods. Eat regularly if it's your first detox and ease yourself into the process. Make the detox easier by incorporating other liquids, such as fruit and vegetable juices.
Exercise to stimulate sweating if you are in good physical condition and feel up to it during the detox phase. Sweating will help transport toxins out of the body through the pores. Exercise can range from walking to running depending on your level of physical fitness. Bringing the heart rate up will also increase metabolism and digestive health.
Visit the sauna to sweat out impurities and help purify the body and improve circulation. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after your time in the sauna. Relax and enjoy the sauna to take your mind of the detox process.
Bathe regularly to wash away toxins that were released from the body. Bathing will also open up the pores of the body, allowing new toxins to be released.