Ingredients for Cleanse Drinks
Prepare smoothies to drink instead of meals to aid in detoxification. Blend one cup of a milk alternative, such as soy or almond milk, one banana and four mint leaves. Prepare a carrot smoothie for a blast of beta carotene and vitamins B and C by combining 1 cup of carrot juice, 2 tablespoons apple juice and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. A smoothie with fiber and antioxidants is 1 cup of juice, 1 cup of berries and one banana. Protein powder can be added to any of these shakes for added benefits.
Colon Cleanse
Clean your colon with an oral salt water flush. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of sea salt into 1 quart of lukewarm water. The salt should contain no iodine, so do not use ordinary iodized table salt. Drink this first thing in the morning before anything else is consumed and your bowels should move several times.
Lemon Drink
The lemon drink is the same as the Master Cleanse Diet drink. This is a detoxification diet where you only consume the lemon drink for 10 days to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. To prepare the drink, combine 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons genuine grade B or C maple syrup (not maple flavored syrup), 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper in eight ounces of room temperature spring water. If you are following the diet, you are allowed no food, and can drink this drink whenever you feel hungry.