How to Lose Love Handles on Master Cleanse
Things You'll Need
- 24 lemons, preferably organic
- Cayenne pepper
- 1 pint grade B maple syrup
- 4 oz. non-iodized sea salt
- 10 gallons distilled water
- Organic herbal laxative tea
- Peppermint tea (optional)
The Master Cleanse
Consult your physician, especially if you have diabetes, metabolic syndrome or other serious health conditions. The Master Cleanse drastically restricts calories for 10 days or more. Your only food is a specially prepared lemonade containing only about 100 calories. On this fast, you drink 6 to 12 of these preparations daily, for a total of only 600 to 1200 calories. This level of caloric restriction can be dangerous, and you should be supervised by your doctor while on the fast.
Drink one cup of herbal laxative tea before going to bed. If possible the tea should contain senna, a powerful herbal laxative.
Flush your digestive system. Combine 2 teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt with 1 quart of distilled water. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved, then drink the water as quickly as possible. You may warm the water if that makes it easier to drink the solution. After 30 minutes to an hour, you should begin to have bowel movements, some of them quite loose. This will continue for approximately one to two hours.
Prepare your lemonade. Combine 1 cup of distilled water, 2 tablespoons of grade B maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of freshly-squeezed lemon juice and 1/10 to 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Drink this mixture at least 6 times a day while you are cleansing. You may drink it up to 12 times a day if needed.
Drink plenty of water. During the Master Cleanse, you need to drink pure water in addition to your lemonade drinks. Water helps your cells flush out toxins, it helps keep your bowels functioning properly and it is crucial to the process of burning fat. Peter Glickman recommends drinking at least 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of body weight daily. One way to ensure adequate water intake is to alternate the 10-oz. lemonade drink with 8 oz. of water. You can also drink 1 or 2 cups of organic peppermint tea daily.
Continue the cleanse by repeating the evening laxative, morning salt-water flush and six to 12 daily lemonade drinks for a minimum of 10 days. You may do a longer fast, but do not try to cleanse for more than 40 days. If you are not used to fasting, start with 10 days and work your way up to a longer fast the next time.
Break the fast. Begin by drinking only water and orange or grapefruit juice on the first and second days. On the second day, you may have freshly prepared, homemade vegetable broth for dinner. On the third day, start with orange juice or grapefruit juice for breakfast, and have vegetable soup for lunch and supper. On the fourth day, you may eat your usual diet.
Walk, run, bike or swim for at least 30 minutes four to five times a week. Work out strenuously enough to raise your heart rate. This cardiovascular workout causes your body to draw on stored fat for energy. Since love handles are made of stored fat, engaging in this type of fat-burning exercise is crucial to eliminating them.
Perform general calisthenics --- crunches, push-ups, lunges, and squats --- two to three times a week. These exercises help build your overall strength and stamina while burning fat.
Perform exercises that target the abdominal area and lower back three to five times a week. These exercises will help strengthen the muscles in these areas while burning fat. Because love handles are located in the abdominal region, toning and strengthening these muscles can help minimize their appearance.