Detox Formulas
Master Cleanse
The Master Cleanse was created to cleanse the body and flush out toxins. You start by drinking a saltwater flush every morning made of 2 tsp. sea salt to 1 quart water. The flush cleans out your entire digestive system. Next, mix 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tbsp. organic grade-B maple syrup, a small pinch of cayenne pepper and 1 cup filtered water. Drink six to 12 glasses every day for at least 10 days. There should be no solid food eaten for the entire cleanse.
You should also drink an herbal laxative tea, such as senna, every evening of your cleanse. The tea helps to release toxins in your digestive system, making it easier for the salt water to flush the wastes out the next morning.
Herbal Detox
For thousands of years the Chinese have been using herbs to clear away toxins. Herbal teas cleanse the colon, kidneys, liver, bowels and other organs. These teas act as both a diuretic and a laxative.
There are many varieties of herbal teas. The most popular tea for detox is green tea or a blend of herbs that include milk thistle, echinacea, red clover, dandelion and sarsaparilla root. Herbal teas do not contain tea leaves but are made by steeping dried herbs in water.
When using detoxifying teas, start with a weak preparation and slowly increase the amount you drink and the strength. If you drink too much tea too fast, you will run to the bathroom more often than you would prefer. You can buy herbal teas already prepared or you can make your own. Drink plenty of water with your herbal tea to help flush the toxins out.
Detox Bath
A simple way to get toxins out of your body is to take a hot salt bath using Epsom salts. Hot water draws the toxins out of your body to the skin's surface. Stir 1 cup Epsom salts and 2 tbsp. dried ginger in a cup of water, then add to your bath. Soak in the tub for 30 minutes.