What Are the Dangers of Acai & Colon Cleansers?
Water Absorption
An excess of acai berry cleansers can lead to excessive absorption of water, which can wash away essential nutrients and create an imbalance of chemicals. As a result, individuals using the products may feel pain in the stomach, followed by vomiting.
Bacteria Removal
Along with viruses, bacteria and toxic substances, acai cleansers and other colon cleansers can remove good bacteria as well. These good bacteria are necessary to protect the colon from various infections.
As long as you consume the product in moderation, you will not have a problem. However, excess use causes dependency, where the colon loses its natural ability to rid itself of toxic substances.
Unnecessary Task
Although acai berry is a healthy fruit, colon cleansing supplements appear to be harmful plus unnecessary, as your body’s colon already knows how to rid itself of toxins. Myoptumhealth.com advises: "[Y]ou'll be wasting your money on something you don't need anyway."
Additional Warning
Sometimes, the tubing used for colonic irrigation -- another type of colon cleansing -- is not meticulously cleaned. This can cause a bacterial infection, and according to Myoptumhealth.com, can also risk perforation in the colon’s wall, which can be life threatening.