3 Day Diet With Lemon Juice
Lemon Juice Formula
Mix a dose of the juice by combining 2 tbsp. of fresh squeezed lemon juice from organic lemons with 2 tbsp. of organic Grade B maple syrup. Add 1/10 tsp. of cayenne pepper, and mix with 10 to 14 ounces of water. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of this mixture per day, whenever you feel hungry. Drink as much additional water as needed, but resist the urge to eat. In the evening, mix 1 or 2 tsp. of non-iodized sea salt in a quart of lukewarm water and drink it as a laxative.
How it Works
Consuming the lemon juice mixed with cayenne loosens the plaque on the walls of your colon, preparing it to be excreted. The citric acids and vitamin C concentration in lemon juice can also aid digestion and stimulate weight loss. Meanwhile, the un-processed, un-filtered Grade B maple syrup provides your body with essential minerals and nutrients, ensuring that you keep your strength while dieting. According to health testimonials compiled by Falcon Blanco, drinking the juice all day prepares your insides and shakes free the toxins that need to be removed, while the salt water mixture finishes the job by pushing it all out. The sea salt, which your body cannot digest, will stimulate bowel movements and help move the loosened plaque through your colon and out the other side.
Health and Weight Benefits
Step onto your scale after three days of the juice formula, and you will probably notice a difference of a few pounds. While some may fast for only three days, it is not difficult to continue for at least 10, or sometimes more days, because besides cleansing, the juice also offers nutrition not found in crash diets or short-term starvation regimens. Beyonce, Jared Leto, and rapper Trina have all claimed that this diet helped them shed extra pounds. But, while you are likely to drop a few pounds because of lack of food consumption, the major loss here is likely of colon plaque buildup and internal toxins, claims Falcon Blanco, neither of which can be accurately measured on a bathroom scale. As you return slowly to normal food, adding in bland steamed vegetables and raw fruits for the first few days, you will be surprised and pleased at the new-found efficiency of your digestive tract.