Steps for the Master Cleanser
Shopping List
Your first order of business before starting the Master Cleanse is to make your shopping list. You are going to need spring water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. Each ingredient serves a special purpose and you will require each one. The maple syrup provides your body with energy, and the pepper is what breaks up mucus buildup and promotes healthy blood flow. Your master cleanse drink will be the only thing you are allowed to consume while doing the Master Cleanse. You are also permitted to take a daily vitamin, so if you do not currently have those, you may want to pick up a bottle.
First, you will want to mix your drink, making enough to last you throughout the day. You will need 14 tablespoons of lemon juice, 14 tablespoons of maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 2 liters of water. This will be enough to last you throughout the day. Every time you have a hunger pang, take a few drinks of your "lemonade mix" followed by a bottle of water. Carry this drink with you all day, as this is all you are allowed to have.
Most people follow the Master Cleanse for 10 days, though if you have never done it before you may want to start off slower, for perhaps 1 or 2 days at first. It is advisable to go off the diet slowly, adding fluids the first day, preferably juices, and then slowly integrating fruits and vegetables before returning to a normal diet. Typically, a master cleanser can expect to have three to seven bowel movements a day and lose up to 10 pounds.