Ultimate Detox Cleanse & Rebuild
Detoxifying and cleansing the body using herbal supplements is a controversial practice. It receives great support from practitioners of natural medicine, but does not have a great deal of clinical research verifying its effectiveness in promoting better health. A cleanse is meant to help the body remove the build up of toxic compounds that may accumulate due to chemical additives and preservatives in foods, contaminant is drinking water and pollutants in the air. The Ultimate Detox Cleanse & Rebuild uses proprietary blends of herbs and nutrients to support basic functions within the body. Many of the ingredients do have research supporting their safety and effectiveness.
For example, milk thistle is included in the blend meant to support and cleanse the liver. In a review of research conducted by Swiss scientists, it was found that silymarin, the active compound in milk thistle does help the liver to function better, especially during times of distress. Choline, used in the blend designed to support proper fat metabolism, is an essential nutrient that helps the body to properly metabolize fat and use cholesterol. Psyllium seed husks are used to support and cleanse the digestive tract. In a study published in the British Medical Journal in August 2009, researchers showed that psyllium is more effective than bran or placebo at relieving symptoms of irritable bowel, a common digestive disorder.
Whether you choose to support your dietary cleanse with the Ultimate Detox Cleanse & Rebuild, with another herbal cleansing program or with no herbal supplements at all, it’s important to prepare your body for the cleanse. Begin by switching to filtered tap water, changing the filter in your furnace and cutting out caffeine and sugar. These steps will help reduce the number of toxins your body is exposed to. Add in more dietary fiber and more exercise to improve your circulation and digestion.
These steps alone will help your entire body to function better and will begin gently removing any toxins that have built up. When you add in herbal support, it will then be less of a shock to your body and can make the entire cleansing process safer and easier. The Ultimate Detox Cleanse & Rebuild is meant to be gentler on your system because it also includes an herbal blend to nourish your immune system.
What to Expect
Many cleansing programs suggest that you fast for one or two days before switching to a raw-food-only or raw-food-plus-brown-rice diet for up to a week. The Ultimate Detox Cleanse & Rebuild is meant to support whatever cleansing program you decide to undertake. If the program you are considering recommends fasting, talk with your doctor first. Fasting can present health dangers, especially for people with blood pressure or glucose regulation problems. During your cleanse, you can expect to experience headaches, dizziness, and fatigue—especially if you undergo a fast.
If you experience vomiting, extreme faintness or any symptoms you consider debilitating, it’s best to discontinue the cleanse.