Difference Between Colon Cleanser & Diuretic
Colon Cleansers
Colon cleansers fall into two categories, the mechanical irrigation of your large intestine, called a high colonic, and the use of powdered or liquid supplements by mouth or an enema.
During a high colonic, a therapist will insert a tube into your rectum and gently force water into your large intestine. The water may contain herbs, coffee, enzymes or probiotics. Approximately 20 gallons of water may be used. After the water is introduced into your large intestine, the therapist may massage your abdomen. After the massage, your large intestine will be flushed out using another tube inserted into your rectum. This process may be repeated and may last up to an hour.
Oral colon cleanses are accomplished by taking liquid or powdered supplements such as herbal teas, enzymes or anti-parasite capsules. An enema may also be used for colon cleansing. The supplements or enema help your bowels to move and release any waste that may have accumulated.
Warnings for Colon Cleansing
Before you consider receiving a high colonic, there are a few points that you should consider. According to Michael Picco, M.D., a board-certified gastroenterologist with the Mayo Clinic, you should check with your medical doctor to see if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications that may pose any possible side effects. Dr. Picco also recommends if you go to a colon-cleansing practitioner that they use disposable equipment and be sure to ask for a specific list of any herbs or other ingredients that may be used during the procedure. Dr. Picco also recommends that before taking any supplements you check with your doctor to be sure they will not affect any prescription medications you are taking.
To date there have been no scientific studies proving the health benefits of colon cleansing. Side effects are rare, but may include vomiting, nausea, cramps, dizziness, dehydration and infection. There is the danger of bowel perforation from a high colonic. This occurs when the tube used to irrigate the bowel pierces the large intestine. Bowel perforation can be serious and life threatening, and immediate medical attention is required.
Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D., a nutritionist with the Mayo Clinic recommends that if you are experiencing edema you should consult with your doctor to determine the cause. Conditions that cause edema include high blood pressure, pregnancy, congestive heart failure and kidney disease.
Diuretics are sometimes called water pills. They work by helping your kidneys put more sodium into your urine. The sodium in your bloodstream takes water with it when you urinate. This relieves pressure on your tissues of the body and helps to reduce swelling. There are several different types of prescription diuretics available. Your doctor will prescribe the best one for your specific contidtion. Natural diuretics include dandelion, ginger and juniper. These can be taken in tablet form or as a tea or a tincture.
Warnings for Diuretics
Overuse of diuretics can deplete your body of the sodium it needs to maintain fluid balance. Some duretics increase the amount of potassium in your blood (hyperkalemia), while others may cause you to not have enough potassium (hypokalemia). Your potassium level should be checked periodically by your doctor with a blood test. Other side effects may include irregular periods, increased blood sugar levels and increased cholesterol. Ms. Zeratsky recommends that you consult with your doctor before taking any herbal supplements to be sure they will not react or interfere with any prescription medications you may be taking.