Cayenne Pepper Lemon Diet
Ease-In Period
The ease-in period of the diet calls for limiting your food consumption to fruits and vegetables for the first 2 days in order to reduce the amount of stress on your body from the restricted diet. Remove processed foods and meat from you diet, and limit your food intake to fruits, vegetables, and limited amount of carbohydrates. Juice your fruits and vegetables on the second day, and drink the blended mix 6 to 10 times daily to maintain vitamin and nutrient intake.
Master Cleanse
Mix 3 liters of purified water with 2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper, 12 to 14 tablespoons of maple syrup, and 12 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Drink the mixture 10 to 12 times a day, as the mixture will be the main source of your nutrients and calories. This diet contains mostly vitamin C, and should be used for no more than 3 to 4 days due to the lack of nutrition. Although the diet suggests staying on the regimen for 10 days, it is not safe to deprive your body of food for extended periods of time. Mix two teaspoons of organic sea salt with 1 liter of filtered water and drink the entire mix in the morning, and another liter of the mix in the evening. This is often called the salt-water flush, as it flushes waste from your body. The solution causes you to have watery bowel movements, which means you should wait at least an hour before leaving your home.
Ease-Out Period
Once you have reached your desired weight, or reached the number of days your doctor recommends using the diet, you will need to ease out of the Master Cleanse by reversing the ease-in period. Drink blended fruits and vegetables the first day of the ease-out period, followed by cooked and raw fruits and vegetables the second day. The third day you can start your regular diet of a healthy balance of fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and lean meat. Complex carbohydrates can be found in whole-grain foods, including bread, cereal and pasta as well as vegetables.