The Best Way to Lose Weight With a Body Cleanser
The Basic Facts About Body Cleansers
Peter Glickman's 2005 book "Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days" popularized cleansing for weight loss. Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie have kept their figures trim with the homemade lemon and syrup cleansing drinks. Kim Kardashian now promotes one of several pre-mixed versions on the market.
Reporter Jane Alexander of the United Kingdom's Daily Telegraph gave the regimen a try after reading Swiss psychologist Dr. K.A. Beyer's claim, in his book "The Lemon Detox Diet," that 7 to 12 pounds of weight loss would be achieved in 10 days. Alexander lost five pounds in three days. "No wonder the celebs love it," she writes.
Cleanse Thyself
More than simply fasting, which leaves people lethargic and eventually bed-ridden, cleansing produces the same "full" feeling that eating normally does. That's because the drink contains everything the body craves to function normally.
It tastes fine, and many find it refreshing and flavorful. (Adjusting ingredients slightly to individual tastes is encouraged.) It's so easy to make that you can ditch the pre-made stuff and make your own cleanser by mixing the following:
Juice of 1/2 an organic lemon
2 tbsp. grade B maple syrup
1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper
8 to 10 oz. of filtered waterDrink at least one glass every couple hours, and at a minimum the equivalent of 10 to 12 glasses a day. It's best to whip up a fresh glass each time, but in a nod to busy schedules it is okay to make half a day's batch at once and to constantly sip from your cleansing jug all day.
No other food or beverage (coffee and alcohol included) is to be consumed to achieve maximum weight-loss. Because this is the only thing going in your body, treat yourself to the best. That means fresh, vine-ripened, organic lemons, which provide your daily vitamins and minerals.
Grade B maple syrup, the darker the better, supplies good sugars and calories. It also packs more minerals than the lighter Grade A syrups, which can also contain formaldehyde. Agave is an acceptable substitute for the syrup. The pinch of cayenne pepper gives the drink just enough spice and flavor, as well as BTUs to heat your body. Be sure to keep unused portions refrigerated between consumption.
Stick With It
You will be amazed how good you feel, how satisfied your hunger is and how quickly the weight comes off. Caffeine addicts do often experience headaches the first couple days without their daily coffee, tea or soda fixes. Other than that, it's a fairly pleasant regimen.
Once every morning, before the first lemon-syrup drink of the day, consume a 12-ounce tumbler of water and sea salt, chugged down in one gulp, otherwise known as a salt-water enema. This produces the daily "cleanse" that removes the waste, toxins and weight from your body. You can also add psyllium seeds to the enema to even better clean the colon.
Some get so nauseous from drinking salt water that they cannot stick with the cleansing regimen. An acceptable alternative is drinking a laxative tea before bedtime. It will keep you regular the next morning.
Stick with the regimen at least seven days and no more than a month. Followers report feeling better the longer they cleanse. Take it easy when returning to "normal" eating; a large, fatty meal right after ending cleansing will be most unpleasant. Small portions of fruit for the first couple days off cleansing work best.
Raylen Sterling, publisher of the "Master Cleanse Secrets" newsletter, admits most people will not last one day on the cleanse. Her publication offers tips to help potential cleansers gut out what she claims is "completely safe in the short term provided the directions are closely followed."