Water & Lemonade Diet

The lemonade and water diet, otherwise known as the popular detox solution "The Master Cleanse," is a short-term dieting answer that can purportedly improve the health of the body by facilitating the removal of dietary toxins through its adherence to a prolonged fast. While following the Lemonade Diet, the only permissible food item is consumption of homemade, fresh-squeezed lemonade. As this is a very low-calorie diet, only follow it with the express supervision of your physician to minimize the potential for health concerns.
  1. Lemonade Diet Basics and Pre-Plan

    • Set a conservative time frame if this is your first time performing a Lemonade Diet plan. While the plan itself can last up to two weeks, first-timers should limit themselves to a basic four- or five-day version of the plan to gauge tolerance for prolonged fasting before attempting a longer foray. While on the plan, note that you will only be able to consume fresh-squeezed lemon juice mixed with organic maple syrup and pepper, so stock up on these items beforehand to avoid running out of "food" at a crucial time during the actual plan.

      Engage in a three-day transition period to help you begin and end the plan correctly, allowing your body time to get used to a liquid diet. On the first day of the pre-plan, consume nothing but fruits and vegetables throughout the day. On the second day of the pre-plan, consume only fruit and vegetable juices. On the third day, consume nothing but fresh-squeezed orange juice, mixed with syrup to taste. Reverse this process when coming off the plan.

    Lemonade Diet

    • Consume nothing but fresh-squeezed lemonade mixed with maple syrup while on the Lemonade Diet. At the beginning of every day, mix 14 tbsp. of lemon juice with 14 tbsp. of maple syrup. Pour this mixture into 2 liters of water, mixing thoroughly. Your goal is to finish this by the end of the day, with the addition of as much water as you like. Be cautious to only prepare the mixture at the start of every day, as it will not keep well in the refrigerator, and you will want to ensure that your "meals" are as palatable as possible while on this limited diet plan.

      Beyond the lemonade, you will also want to utilize a salt water flush each day. A salt water flush will force your body to have a bowel movement, purportedly increasing the efficacy of the detox process. Combine one liter of water with one tablespoon of sea salt, drinking the mixture either early in the morning or late at night. Note that you will have a bowel movement within an hour of consuming the drink, so do not perform the salt water flush at any point that you know you will be away from a bathroom during the expected time.

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