Celebrity Detox Diet
Master Cleanse
Celebrities are very particular about their diets. And for looking good on the red carpet, cleansing has become big business. Gwyneth Paltrow, Howard Stern, Anne Hathaway and Denzel Washington are said to be among the celebrities who have detoxed with the Master Cleanse.
The Master Cleanse, created by alternative health practices guru Stanley Burroughs in 1941, is said to not only detoxify, but also eliminate cravings for cola drinks, alcohol, tobacco and junk food. The cleanse calls for drinking nothing but a lemon juice concoction for several days. The plan also includes a phase-in, which allows the dieter to consume salads, nuts, seeds, juices and broth, and a phase-out, which transitions the dieter to a solid-food plan.
The Drink
The Master Cleanse is a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper that you drink for at least 10 days. Some stay on the cleanse for longer periods of time, sometimes as long as 90 days. No solid food is allowed.
While on the cleanse, do a salt-water flush every morning by adding 2 tsps. of sea salt to a full quart of water. Drink the entire quart. The flush cleans out your digestive system. Next, drink six to 12 glasses of lemon liquid every day.
A single serving of the Master Cleanse consists of the following:
2 tbsps. freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tbsps. organic Grade-B maple syrup
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 cup filtered water
Also drink an herbal laxative tea every evening. Senna tea is recommended. Burroughs said the tea helps to release toxins in the digestive area, making it easier for the salt water to flush wastes from the body.
You can purchase a Master Cleanse kit at your local health food store.