How to Prepare for Lemon Cleanse
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Sea salt
- Cayenne pepper
- Natural grade B maple syrup
- 40 lemons
- Laxative tea
- Hand juicer
Set a specific day to start the cleanse and record it on your calendar.
Purchase all the ingredients you'll need for the 10-day process, so you won't be tempted to put off a trip to the grocery store.
Remove meat from your diet and add more servings of fruits and vegetables to your meals three days before you begin the cleanse. The day before you begin the lemon cleanse, limit your diet to fruit and vegetable juices. This will prevent your body from the shock of switching to a liquid diet for 10 days.
Plan activities to stay busy during the fast. Don't sit around and focus on your food cravings: That's a surefire way to give into the temptation to eat. The lemonade mixture will provide your body with the fuel it needs to carry out everyday tasks. Spend time with friends, take walks or go to a movie to take your mind off hunger pains.
List your goals for the lemon cleanse. Whether you want to lose weight, remove the toxins from your body or cleanse your digestive system, keep a list of reasons why you're fasting close at hand. When the going gets tough, take a look at that list to stay motivated.