Salt Water Colon Cleanse Recipe
Take on Empty Stomach
Take the saltwater first thing in the morning before you have anything to eat. An empty stomach will help the saltwater do its job more thoroughly. Heat 1 quart of bottled drinking or spring water. The chlorine and fluoride found in most tap water is not beneficial for a colon cleanse. It should be as hot as you would make a cup of tea. Add 2 tablespoons of sea salt to the water. Celtic sea salt is very good to use for this, but any natural sea salt will do. Do not use iodized table salt. Stir the water until the salt dissolves. Add some lemon or lime juice to improve the taste.
Drink in Five Minutes
Drink the salt water cleanse solution in five minutes if possible. If you cannot manage that, drink it over 30 minutes. Expect results within one to one and a half hours, possibly longer. The resulting stool should be loose. You may experience temporary mild nausea and headache. Plan to stay home for a few hours, at least the first time you try the cleanse. Subsequent cleanses will be easier to schedule because you will know how the cleanse works with your body. If you do not get an obvious result within one and a half hours, drink eight to 10 glasses of water throughout the day to help your body flush the toxins out. Stir in an additional teaspoon or two of salt the next time you cleanse for better results.
Cleanse Whenever Necessary
The saltwater cleanse can be done whenever necessary. Every other day is fine. Twice per week is enough to help keep the colon clear. Irregular bowel movements, bloating and slight abdominal discomfort can be alleviated when this cleanse is done routinely twice per week. Adding more vegetables and fiber to your diet will help, as well. Greater daily water intake is instrumental in your body's healthy elimination of waste and good health in general. This cleanse will take out good bacteria in addition to the waste. Take a probiotic and eat yogurt after a cleanse to replace the beneficial bacteria.