Smoker's Detox
After quitting smoking, a person will experience mild to almost intolerable side effects, depending on the amount and frequency they once smoked. Headaches, irritability, anxiety, increased appetite or weight gain, trouble concentrating, extreme fatigue and constant cravings are some side effects of quitting. These symptoms may be alleviated or lessened by following a smoking detox.
A smoking detox should involve drinking lots of water to help flush nicotine and other substances contained in cigarettes out of one's system. One will also need to allot themselves extra time to sleep, as they are likely to experience mild to extreme fatigue during this time. One should eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which helps reduce the risk of certain cancers as well as replace amounts of Vitamins C and A. It is important to eat foods that are rich in beta-carotene, such as dark leafy green vegetables that may have been harder to absorb while smoking. Taking Vitamin E also may help to repair cells that were damaged by smoking. It is recommended that ex-smokers take 100 to 200 mgs of Vitamin E a day after quitting. One should also avoid eating grapefruit or oranges while using the patch or nicotine gum. These foods are highly acidic and may speed up the loss of nicotine in the body, causing one to experience more severe side effects of quitting. It also is believed that the herbal supplement Milk Thistle may help to flush out toxins left in the body by cigarette smoke. The recommenced dosage is 280 mgs or two 140-mg capsules twice a day before meal times.
The good news is that nicotine leaves the body after 72 hours. After two weeks, lung function may increase by 30 percent. Within 10 years, infected cells that may have lead to cancer are replaced by healthy new cells. While quitting smoking can be extremely difficult, these strategies may be an effective way to lessen the side effects associated with quitting, as well as to help detoxify the entire body of nicotine.