Body Cleanse Rapid Weight Loss

Body-cleanse programs detoxify the system of harmful substances in preparation for a new health regimen or a diet. Weight loss can be significant, but it's usually temporary unless you are determined and disciplined.
  1. Types of Cleanses

    • Body cleanses include the colon cleanse, master cleanse and parasite, liver and kidney cleanses. Each cleanse uses specific herbs, juices or foods to achieve the desired purifying result.

    Water Weight

    • Most cleanse programs restrict diet to a few foods, usually raw vegetables. Others, such as the master cleanse, prohibit the consumption of any foods and limit the dieter to a beverage of lemon juice, water and maple syrup for the duration of the cleanse. The dietary rules in detox programs severely restrict calories, and foods often are chosen for their diuretic effect. Initial weight loss is rapid, but it's mostly water weight.

    Colon Cleanse

    • Over time, constipation or infrequent bowel movements allow waste to build up in the colon, resulting in a heavy, bloated sensation. Colon cleanses might help expel impacted fecal matter; sometimes several pounds can accumulate in the colon.

    Temporary Weight Loss

    • Many detox programs include a maintenance period, when different foods are slowly reintroduced over several days. However, once you begin consuming a wider variety of solid foods, most of the weight quickly returns.


    • Body cleanses are neither safe nor effective tools for weight loss, and they should not be extended beyond their recommended durations or repeated excessively.

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