The Best Colon Cleansing & Detox Products
The Best Products
Natural Healing Today looked at several different products and evaluated them for their effectiveness and safety based on ingredients and customer feedback, company information and guarantee, and value of the product based on the price.
They found the best product based on all of this was the Colonix Program by Natural Healing Today says, "This product has it all. It's a well balanced, easy-to-use colon cleanse formula that also happens to taste good. There's no other colon cleanser in existence with so much positive user feedback. The company has been around since 1998 with a solid track record. Its products are endorsed by several doctors."
The second product on the list is The Perfect Cleanse by Garden of Life. It costs $20 for a 10-day program. Natural Healing Today says it's a good short-term program with a solid company behind it, although there is no money-back guarantee.
Another product that did well in the Natural Healing Today study was Puristat by Abbott Industries. The program is about double the price of average programs. Natural Healing says it's a comprehensive program but the cleansing will take longer than most.
Other Recommendations
Another site called Detox Review also evaluated cleansing products and found the same thing Natural Healing Today did. The Colonix Program by was found to be the most effective colon cleansing product. Detox Review also recommends Cleanse Smart and Heavy Metal Cleanse; this product contains herbs, which are ingested. It is by ReNew Life. The third product this site recommends is Intestinal Drawing Formulas by Health Force Nutritionals.
Negative side effects are more likely the more often you do a colon cleanse. The risk is low but potential side effects are vomiting, nausea, cramps, dizziness, strings of mucus, bowel perforation and infection. You should not use colon cleansing products for a long period of time. They can reduce your normal bowel function.