Homemade Internal Cleansing Recipes
Reasons to Cleanse
Internal cleansing is a method of cleaning out the digestive tract to maintain good health and prevent disorders from developing. Eating processed foods and foods that have been chemically altered or sprayed with pesticides can lead to a build-up of toxins in the body. Many people believe it is time to cleanse when they discover a white coating on their tongue, feel constantly tired after they have gotten enough rest, crave junk food, feel no lust for life, find their mind is fuzzy, experience intestinal gas and bloating, or feel heavy and constipated.
Cleansing Recipe
The master cleanse consists of lemon juice, cayenne pepper and Grade B maple syrup. To make this cleansing recipe you need 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. of Grade B maple syrup, half a teaspoon cayenne pepper, and 10 oz. water. You may also want to consume a laxative tea at night to flush out the digestive tract. The master cleanse is supposed to be done until the tongue has no more white residue. If it is your first time doing the master cleanse, you are more likely to have stored up toxins in your body and should do the cleanse for a maximum of 30 days. However, it is important to talk with your doctor or dietitian before starting any diet program to make sure that it is the right choice for you.