How to Use the Master Cleanse Detox Drink

The master cleanse detox drink is part of a detox diet that was invented by Stanley Burroughs. The master cleanse detox drink consists of fresh lemons, cayenne pepper grade B pure maple syrup, water, and non-iodized sea salt. To learn how to make the drink see related articles below.

The steps of this article will guide you trough how to properly use the detox drink as part of the master cleanse detox diet.


    • 1

      ~ Prepare your schedule and support system for a 10 day fast ~

      Before starting the master cleanse detox diet you will want to clear your schedule of any highly strenuous or long lasting commitments. The first few days of the detox diet will be very difficult leading to low energy and frequent urges to have a cleansing bowel movement. If you have supportive family or friends, enlist them to help you stay vigilant with the diet.

    • 2

      ~ Mix the detox drink every night fresh and refrigerate ~

      If you mix the drink the night before the flavors will have time to blend better, and you will have the drink immediately available for energy in the morning. You need to have enough on hand to drink at least six servings of the drink per day.

    • 3

      ~ Eliminate all other foods except for salt-water and herbal tea ~

      The detox diet allows your body to purge itself of built up toxins and extra matter in the colon. The salt-water or tea act as a natural enema encouraging frequent bowel movements to help the process. The maple syrup provides the energy you will need, especially if you are diligent in purchasing grade B organic maple syrup. The lemons provide crucial vitamin C.

    • 4

      ~ Push through days 2,3, and 4 of the master cleanse ~

      These will likely be the most difficult of the detox diet. Your body will eventually move into a fasting mode, and provide you with increased levels of energy and sense of mental focus. Until then you have to push through the detox diet wall.

    • 5

      ~ Gradually reintroduce your body to healthy foods ~

      Your body will not be ready to eat difficult to digest foods after this master cleanse. Many suggest taking probiotics to replenish your system. The detox diet also requires you to start with broth for a day. Then move to soft vegetables, and eventually fruits. Then follow common sense in slowly re-introducing your body to other foods. Especially avoid foods that are high in fat or processed sugar.

      ** See more tips below on using the master cleanse detox drink **

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