Master Cleanse and IBS
The Master Clease is known as the Lemonade Diet
Master Cleanse Basics
The Master Cleanse is a ten-day diet program with a very basic structure. You eliminate all solid food from your diet for ten days while consuming a lemonade concoction that contains water, fresh lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. During the cleanse you may also drink herbal tea and a salt water solution to stimulate bowel elimination. At the end of the ten days, you should ease back into eating solid foods, starting with broths and juices and working your way to high fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables.
IBS Basics
IBS is a disorder of the colon that leads to cramping, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. There are several triggers that can exacerbate symptoms including diet, alcohol and smoking. Those with IBS should eat a diet high in fiber and stay away from spicy and fatty foods that can irritate the colon. Chocolate, caffeinated beverages and dairy are also triggers for IBS.
Cleanse Goal
The goal of a cleanse is to help your body restore itself to its maximum metabolic state. Those who need to lose weight often do so because of the reduction of calories and solid food. But the true goal is to revive your daily energy and mental acuity. For those with IBS, the goal is the same, perhaps with a secondary goal to help reduce IBS symptoms.
The Theory
The theory that the Master Cleanse can help those with IBS, or at least allow them to do the cleanse without IBS aggravation, has a sensible foundation. Remember this is only a theory and has not been studied or substantiated by the medical community, but is put forth in the book The Master Cleanse by Stanley Burroughs. Those who suffer from IBS are trying to regulate bowel movement and prevent aggravation of IBS symptoms. You are not smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages while on the cleanse. In fact while on the Master Cleanse you are eliminating everything that is a potential trigger, with one exception: cayenne pepper.
Cayenne Pepper Potential Problem
The purpose of the cayenne pepper in the Master Cleanse is to help flush mucus out by breaking it up. The amount of cayenne used in the lemonade is minimal, but this is a spicy ingredient that may lead to triggering IBS. The cayenne is not in the concoction for nutritional purposes and theoretically you can still flush out the toxins without the aid of cayenne. Each person is different and those with IBS have different tolerances. Always talk to your doctor to see what the risks and benefits would be.