Easy Salt Water Cleanse
Salt Water Flush
When taken internally, salt water dissolves and eliminates digestive waste products, kills toxic bacteria, restores electrolytes and pulls impurities from your organs. Contrary to conventional wisdom, it's safer, and more effective, to cleanse your colon with salt water, than with a colonic or enema (see http://www.ncahf.org/articles/c-d/colonic.html and http://www.internal-cleansing.com/salt-water-flush-recipe.html).
Add two teaspoons of sea salt to a quart of lukewarm water (iodized salt doesn't work). Drink the quart of salt water every morning before breakfast. It will wash your entire digestive system within an hour and you'll experience several bowel movements. Because salt water has the same specific gravity as your blood, your kidneys won't retain the water and your blood won't absorb the salt.
Lemonade Diet
The lemonade you'll be drinking throughout the day, instead of eating regular meals, supplies all the nutrition your body needs while continuing the cleansing process you started with the salt water. It will detox the cells in your body and purify your bloodstream. You should stick with this diet for at least 10 days and do the salt water flush every morning.
Make the lemonade by adding two tablespoons of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice to eight ounces of water. Stir in two tablespoons of 100 percent, grade B maple syrup, and 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (red pepper). Drink six to 12 glasses of the lemonade a day and don't consume anything else except water. You can add lemon pulp and peel to the lemonade to increase its cleansing properties.
Laxative Tea
You can help the salt water do its job by drinking a laxative Senna leaf tea before bed every night. Senna adds fiber to your diet and stimulates muscle contraction of your colon. It also loosens waste accumulations so they're easier for the salt water to remove. Make sure you use pure distilled water for your tea and breathe in the steam, as this enhances Senna's laxative effect.