Sea Salt & Water Cleanse
Sea Salt Vs. Table Salt
Chemically, both sea salt and table salt are the same, according to the Mayo Clinic: They both contain sodium and chloride. They do differ, however, on three levels: processing method, taste and texture. Table salt---retrieved from underground salt deposits---is highly processed, resulting in many of its trace minerals being removed. In addition, an additive (that prevents the salt from clumping), as well as iodine, are added to table salt before it is sold to consumers.
Sea salt, on the other hand, has small amounts of iodine inside it, as well as trace minerals, already. And it contains no such anti-clumping additive. Hence, it is often referred to as "natural salt." Its texture is coarser, since it is not refined, and has a stronger taste.
Sea Salt and the Body
Due to its coarseness, and its salt benefits (drawing out impurities), sea salt is often used as a body scrub for dead skin detoxification. But it has another helpful purpose: It can aid in internal body detoxification, too. Just as the salt can rid the exterior of the body of dead skin cells, sea salt can also rid the inside of the body of impurities within it.
Sea Salt Cleansing Process
Ingested into the body---usually in a quantity of two teaspoons per quart of water---the liquid sea salt and water combination travels the entire digestive system sweeping toxins and other left-behind waste from the body. This process, initially done daily for a specific period of time (like several days), can be repeated on occasion later (when needed to address recurring digestive sluggishness) once the original detoxification has been achieved.
Body Toxins
Our liver, kidneys and intestines strive to rid our body of all the toxins it ingests through air or food: pollution, pesticides, food additives, drug and alcohol-related toxins and undigested food that has rotten inside our digestive system. However, these organs sometimes get overwhelmed, especially when stress is high and our diets are poor---and we don't exercise or take care of our bodies properly. That's when detoxification through external means can help, like a sea salt cleanse.
Side Effects
Cleansing the body of toxins, left-behind food particles and pollutants can appear to make the individual feel worse than they did before, initially. This is due to the fact that as these toxins are being removed from the digestive system, they are traveling through---and having an impact on---the other internal body systems, like the blood stream and other body components.
However, these side effects (headaches, acne, fatigue, aches and pains, malaise, allergies and symptoms that are similar to those experienced with a cold or the flu) are only short-lived and disappear after the detoxification is complete.