Detox for Energy
How Does a Cleanse Work?
Everything you put into your body must be broken down, absorbed or eliminated. When we eat food that is difficult to break down or cannot be eliminated such as processed foods, alcohol or even fatty meats, your body will store toxins in your cells. This can prevent nutrient absorption and leave you feeling chronically tired with poor concentration throughout the day. By flushing your system out with a lot of fluids along with nutrients that are easily absorbed, you can get rid of the toxins and feel more energetic with greater sensory awareness and motor acuity.
Types of Cleanses
There are three real ways to detox: fasting, organic food diets or supplements. Fasting is the most aggressive detox, but also one of the most effective. The reason is you eliminate solid food from your diet for 3 to 10 days and consume juice and water. This helps reduce calories, hydrate you and allow toxins to be released and swept out of the system. The most popular fasting diets are the lemonade diet and the fruit juice cleanse.
You can also go on an organic food or raw food diet. This eliminates processed foods and anything with artificial flavors or additives, preservatives or coloring. This makes it easier for your liver to produce enough bile to break food down and absorb the nutrients. Many people find this much easier than a fasting diet. Supplements are dietary aids, like vitamins that contain herbs that help promote liver and kidney function. These are the simplest but are often recommended with diet changes such as something similar to an organic diet. All detox cleanses require drinking at least 2 liters of water daily, as well as eliminating alcohol and smoking.
While increasing energy is a great motivation for a detox cleanse, be aware that detoxes have side effects and risks. Because you are releasing toxins into your body, you will most likely feel ill at the beginning of your cleanse. It will take time to get the toxins out of your body, so expect to experience something like the flu. You may feel more lethargic as well until the toxins are eliminated. Don't let this discourage you. Do be aware of any dizzy spells. Recurring or prolonged dizziness can suggest a serious condition requiring immediate medical attention. Always consult your doctor before starting a new diet program.