Maple Syrup, Lemon Juice, Cayenne Pepper & Water Detox
The master cleanse takes approximately three weeks to complete for maximum results. You will spend the first three days preparing your body for the detox by eliminating all processed food and meat from your diet. Throughout the diet, drink as much water as you like. The first day of preparation, eat only fresh fruit and vegetables. The second day do the same, only juice the produce; your body needs to prepare for a liquid diet. The third day, prepare two liters of freshly squeezed orange juice and mix with two tablespoons of maple syrup. The syrup in the diet is necessary for caloric needs.
The Cleanse
For maximum benefits, the cleansing portion lasts for ten days. You will need to prepare your daily rations in the morning and take them with you everywhere you go. One day's worth of ingredients is as follows: 14 tablespoons each of lemon juice and maple syrup, half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and two liters of water. In addition to those ingredients, you'll need three portable containers for storage. In two of the containers, mix seven tablespoons each of lemon juice and maple syrup and fill with water. Stir in one-quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper and mix thoroughly. These two bottles contain everything you will be consuming throughout the day; ration it wisely by drinking a few sips of lemonade followed by double that amount in water when you are feeling hungry. The third container is your water bottle; fill it as often as you need to.
In order to properly detoxify your body, the toxins must come out in the form of bowel movements. There are laxative teas that can assist you in the process, but a less expensive and equally effective method is to drink a mixture of one tablespoon of sea salt and one liter of water. The body cannot absorb salt water, so it will go through you within one hour. This process will likely produce multiple movements, so make sure you have time to devote to the task. It must be done daily.
After ten days of cleansing, you cannot return to solid food without the unpleasant side effects of constipation and cramps, so you must ease out of the diet the same way you eased in, in reverse order for three days. Make the orange juice and maple syrup mixture the first day. The second day, consume fruit and vegetable juice and, the third day, consume only fresh produce. After the third day of easing out of the cleanse, you must re-evaluate your eating habits and alter them appropriately. It is important after you cleanse to eat live food. Live food is defined as food that contains enzymes; enzymes help your body digest food. Cooking food kills enzymes, so eating a diet high in raw foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds is essential. Also, adding probiotics to your diet will line your flushed digestive tract with healthy bacteria needed to kill the destructive bacteria that cause things such as intestinal inflammation.