Seven Day Cleansing Diet Drink
Master Cleanse Diet
The Master Cleanse is the most popular form of liquid diet cleansers. It has been used by celebrities like Beyonce, who took it to lose 25 pounds for her role in "Dream Girls." The diet has three phases.
1. Ease in: The stomach is prepared for less food. Those inevitable hunger pangs are better managed in this phase. Eliminate all processed food and meats from your diet on Day 1. After this stage, solid foods are replaced by fruits, vegetables, broths and juices. You should complete these steps in three days.
2. Lemonade Diet: A mix of organic lemon juice. Grade B maple syrup and organic cayenne pepper is made into a lemonade drink. For the next four days of the diet, the lemonade will be the meal replacement along with organic teas and distilled water.
3. Ease Out: This is the reverse of the Ease In phase. Fruit and vegetable juices along with broths are slowly re-introduced to the body. Fresh fruits and salads are also consumed until the regular diet is adapted again.
7 Day Fruit and Vegetable Juice Cleanse
Break out the juicer for this diet. Everyday a different juice mixture is blended to cleanse, strengthen and detoxify major organs in the body. Each juice concoction is curtailed to help cleanse and detoxify your organs. Here is a sample of this diet from
Day 1: Apple+celery juice to detoxify the.
Day 2: Pineapple juice to cleanse the small intestines.
Day 3 : Lemon juice+water to detox the liver.
Day 4: Carrot juice for better eyesight.
7 Day Tea Fast
This is one hot diet! Well hot teas anyway. On this diet, only organic teas with agave nectar or organic honey are consumed along with hot water. Teas are excellent carriers of anti-oxidants and they generally contain half the caffeine of brewed coffee. This makes teas a good source for re-hydration. A little-known fact is teas are the second-most consumed beverages in the world.
A variety of teas are consumed throughout the day along with distilled water and organic lemon juice for up to seven days. You can use Chinese herbs, peppermint, ginger and green tea for this diet. There are also special diet teas available at health food stores that can facilitate your cleanse.
Daily Routine
A seven-day liquid only diet is no easy feat. Sticking to a daily routine is important in maintaining strength and balance. For the first few days the absence of food will make you feel weak so it's probably a good idea to start the diet cleanse over the weekend. There should be no strenuous exercise and stay hydrated with distilled water.
Another important factor is having bowel movements while on any of these diets. The purpose of liquid cleanse/detox diet is to rid the body of toxins. Waste matter from food buildup in the small intestines is toxic and needs to be removed. A salt water cleanse is a natural way to release waste buildup. Mix 1 tsp. salt in an 8 oz. glass of warm distilled water and drink. There also natural over-the-counter laxatives that you take to ensure those toxins don't stick around.