Gentle Liver Detox
Fasting Cleanses
The most intensive cleanses are the ones where you remove solid food from your system for a specified number of days and drink juice or juice mixtures along with at least two liters of water daily. There are many popular ones such as the Master Cleanse (also known as the lemonade diet) or the fruit juice detox. These cleanses are gentle on the liver because they are removing everything that makes metabolic breakdown difficult while providing the body with nutrients and fluids to flush toxins out. You will feel more sluggish at the start of one of these cleanses because the toxins are released very dramatically but will find improved concentration, energy levels and dexterity when complete. These cleanses last usually from 3 to 10 days but may be shorter or longer depending on the person's medical history.
Organic Detox Diets
If you don't think you can go on a fast for several days but still want to do your liver some good, try one of the many organic food detox programs. These may involve reducing food consumption to fresh fruits and vegetables or the duration of the cleanse (3 to 10 days works here too). By limiting food to fruits and vegetables, your liver is getting a break from having to process fats and proteins as well as processed items such as sugar and grains. The fiber in the fruit helps encourage elimination of toxins. Others will do raw foods, that are unprocessed foods with no preservatives, colorings or additives. Be sure to continue to drink two liters of water to eliminate toxins.
Detox Supplements
There are many detox supplements available. These are designed to help you deal with the toxins you consume daily. These are most effective after you have done some sort of complete detox but are still highly beneficial even if you never do a fast or fruit diet to reduce toxic buildup from your daily consumption. These aid your liver in processing food, thus making your dietary intake a more gentle liver approach.The Total Body Detox is available with online retailers for most detox needs. Bodybuilders on high creatine supplements can use the Daily Detox.
Herbal Teas
There are many herbal teas that are considered good for the liver. Consuming green tea while on a detox or as part of your daily need will improve liver function. Milk thistle is another herbal tea as is golden seal. Cinammon, licorice and turmeric also help digestion making your entire absorption and elimination process more complete.
Lifestyle Changes
Your liver will perform more effectively if you make lifestyle change to what you consume. Alcohol, smoking and drugs do a lot of damage to the liver. Even if damage isn't done, the liver has to work harder to deal with these toxins. The same is true of high quantities of meat and fat. Raw meat is easier to break down than overly cooked meats. So if you have the choice and trust the source is fresh, sushi or rare meat is better for you. If you can, add a flushing detox to your routine once a year and do what you can do consume more organic and raw foods. You will feel better and do your liver a lot of good.