Simple Detox Diets
Why Detox
We eat a lot of things that our body has trouble metabolizing. Everything from gluten to preservatives may become trapped in the triglycerides of our fat cells and lead to loss of energy and focus, as well as weight gain. Some people also eat a lot of protein, which is hard for the liver to process. Fecal matter may become stuck on the lining of the colon and prevent absorption of nutrients and minerals. A cleanse or detox will help ease the strain on your body's metabolic process and flush out the toxins in your fats cells and colon lining. This can lead to improved daily function and performance.
Detox Diets
A simple detox diet does not eliminate food completely from your daily intake. While many detox diets will put your on a strictly liquid diet, you can obtain very effective results from a completely raw diet. This includes the Fruit Diet, the Mucusless Diet, or the Fast Track Diet. These detox diets allow you to eat something and deal with hunger pangs more effectively than pure liquid detox diets such as the Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet. They are also effective because fresh fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, helping bowel movement and easy to digest, helping the liver function more effectively.
Detox Supplements
Many people like the ease of a detox supplement which may be a pill, tea or liquid. These supplements may be taken once daily or several times per day to help the liver and kidneys work more effectively and stimulate bowel function with fiber. These detox supplements work with a modified diet. When on these diets you should consume less protein. Eat organic fruits and vegetables, as well as soups and broths. Drink at least 2 liters of water each day. While these supplements are easy and do help release some of the toxins, much will depend on the food you consume with them. If you continue to eat a lot of protein (even organic and raw), your liver will still need to work to metabolize that instead of working to flush your system.
Detox Duration
Expect to be on a detox program from at least three days. This seems to be the minimal time required for your body to metabolize the toxins and release them. It is best to do a detox when you don't have a heavy schedule so you aren't plagued by the possible sluggishness during the detox. Sluggishness results from the toxins being released into your system. Some detox programs, such as the Master Cleanse, last for 10 days. While you may not be able to lighten your load for the entire period, start your detox over a weekend when you can get plenty of rest.
Detox Warnings
Just about every detox on the market will encourage you to flush your system out with a lot of water or some type of fruit juice. You should consume at least 2 liters of water daily plus any juices you are drinking. You may get a cold during the detox. This is normal, as your body can not immediately flush out toxins. Should you become light-headed or dizzy for more than a few seconds, you may be experiencing an electrolyte imbalance. Your body needs electrolytes for proper metabolic function. If you are not consuming enough mineral nutrients during the detox, this can make you serious ill, possibly even leading to a coma.