Tips on Ultra Clear Cleanse
Reasons to Cleanse
The Ultra Clear Cleanse is designed to help the entire body eliminate toxins over a two- to four-week cleanse and diet. Things you consume and environmental introductions pollute your body at a cellular level. This can leave you sluggish, having more headaches and getting sick more often. Some detox programs target specific organs such as the liver or kidneys. The Ultra Clear Cleanse is one that helps all organs vital in digestion, metabolic function and waste management work more efficiently and effectively. You will feel better and go through your day with more energy when you are done. This cleanse is only available through licensed health care practitioners. Talk to your doctor about any new diet or detox plan you intend to start. Eating organic and fewer processed foods and eliminating smoking and alcohol will keep your body in better condition between detoxes. Depending on your health, you may do the cleanse every couple of months with doctor's approval.
The Supplements
The Ultra Clear is advertised as a "medical food" that "supports the management of chronic fatigue syndrome." The supplements contain a complete balance of the essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids you require to remain healthy and vibrant. The supplement are designed to be a meal replacement without risking malnutrition. Taking the supplements and following the meal plan together can help with weight management, energy boosts and overall well being. You should consume two servings of the Ultra supplements every day. The mixture can be made in eight ounces of water or juice.
The Diet
There are a lot of foods you can enjoy that promote liver, colon and kidney health and function. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber and help in eliminating the toxins from your system. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach and eggs are a few foods the support liver function. Flaxseeds (ground), apples, pears and berries assist the colon. Unlike some other cleanses, the Ultra Clear Cleanse recommends at least two servings of protein daily. The protein should be lean beef, lamb or skinless chicken. As with any detox, you should consume at least two liters of water daily. A good rule of thumb is to divide your weight in half and consume that many ounces in water each day. If you eat organic, you will avoid added preservatives.
Avoid foods that are processed or have processed and artificial ingredients in them. This includes rices, breads and crackers. Limit alcohol consumption and refrain from consuming a lot of fats. Eat fruit prior to it becoming too ripe as it may contain mold.