Body Detox With Cranberry Water
Nutritional Overview of Cranberries
In one cup of cranberries, there are only 45 calories, and over 20 percent of your daily dose of vitamin C. They also contain a large amount of anti-oxidants which are vital for any detox diet. Recent studies have also shown that cranberries contain two phytochemicals, flavonoids and phenolic acids. The three flavonoids found in cranberries--anthocyanins, flavonols and proanthocyanins--work together to block human cancer cells. The flavonoids also decrease the risk of atherosclerosis, or the hardening of artery walls. Cranberries also contain chemical compounds that block bacteria such as e. coli from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract and bladder.
Cranberry Detox Diet
According to, a good detox diet lasts two or three days. The dieter should drink 32 to 64 ounces of natural unsweetened cranberry juice, along with at least 6 glasses of warm, filtered water. Manufactured cranberry juice should be avoided, as it contains artificial ingredients. Fruits and vegetables can be eaten while on the diet to supplement nutrition. It is important to conduct this detox during the warm months. During the fall and winter, the body needs the extra calories to keep it warm. During the week leading up to the diet, refrain from caffeine, nicotine, fat, dairy products, alcohol and sugar. Once the detox is done, gradually increase these products so as not to shock your system. Although there are very few side effects, some dieters reported mild acne and skin boils. These are attributed to the toxins leaving the body, and typically go away after a short time.
The cranberry detox diet is a great way to flush your body of chemicals and lose weight, but there are alternatives that give you the added benefits of cranberries without the stress of a detox. Adding one cup of cranberries to your diet every day has many health benefits ranging from decreasing your risk for certain cancers to increasing your levels of LDL, or good cholesterol. Daily intake of cranberries has also been shown to kill the H. Pylori bacteria that lives in the stomach and causes ulcers and some kinds of stomach cancers. Adding cranberries to your diet is a great way to control your weight and improve health.