Three-Day Body Detox Diet
Detox diets are typically used to help protect the liver from the buildup of toxins. Toxins from food and even air can pollute the body and, over time, flood our organs and cause damage to the liver. The three-day detox has been called an effective way to flush such poisons out of out system. On the downside, temporary side effects may include headache, nausea and diarrhea.
Not surprisingly, the three-day detox diet consists of drinking plenty of water -- anywhere from 10 to 12 glasses per day. Water contains essential minerals and is beneficial to all the body's organs. It assists the function of the liver, the kidneys, the heart and digestive system. Other than water, the diet consists of steamed vegetables and fresh organic fruit. A limited amount of brown rice is also permitted.
Pre- and Post-Diet
While it's called the three-day detox diet, there is actually some preparation and dieting required around the three days, making the entire plan last longer than a week. Anyone getting ready to start the diet should eliminate alcohol, caffeine and junk foods entirely for up to three days in advance. Once the detox portion is complete, you should continue to eat lightly and make healthy choices for another two or three days.
During the main phase of the three-day detox, eat only raw or organic fruits and vegetables, avoiding those that have been canned or frozen. The latter typically contain too much sugar and sodium. Also, all drinking water should be filtered, and the diet should be accompanied by some form of exercise, preferably 30 minutes in each of the three days.
The three-day detox diet is a good way to not only rid the body of toxins, but assist with weight loss and increase energy levels. It is not recommended for the long-term, as it lacks protein and falls well short of the daily recommended caloric intake. However, it does effectively cleanse the system and promote healthy eating for the long run.