Body Detox Plans
Start Your Detox
To start your detox plan, you'll need a juicer. For three days, drink freshly made fruit and vegetable juices only. Don't eat anything, just drink juice. You probably won't have much energy on this diet, so it's best to plan to do very little. Get a lot of rest so you don't exhaust yourself.
Eating Again
After your initial detox, you can start eating again. For this stage, you will be eating fruit only, and just one type of fruit at each meal. At this stage you will be able to eat until you're full.
For breakfast eat one type of fruit. You can eat melon--any type of melon is fine. For lunch choose from oranges, grapefruit, plums or pineapples. Just remember to only pick one type. You can change which fruit you eat each day if you prefer.
Have a glass of fresh carrot juice as a late afternoon snack. For dinner you should choose from apples, pears, grapes or bananas.
With this stage of your detox, you can do a little more activity than you could during the juice portion of the detox. Be sure to rest frequently and don't push yourself too hard.
The Next Month
After you have completed your first ten days, try eating a raw diet for a month. Below are some examples of what you should eat during this month.
For breakfast eat acidic fruits. Eat citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapple, apple, plums or others that you can find that are acidic. You can eat as many different types of fruit as you want for breakfast.
For lunch you should eat a large amount of lettuce. Have a couple of stalks of celery. Eat some raisins, figs or dried apricots. Finally, eat plenty of grapes, pears, bananas, mangoes or fresh dates. Again, choose as many fruits as you want.
Have an afternoon snack of a large glass of fresh carrot juice.
For dinner eat a big salad. You should put red cabbage, lettuce, carrots, beetroot, celery, watercress, cucumber and red or green peppers in this salad. If you want a salad dressing add a few tomatoes, an avocado, a pinch of marigold bouillon powder and a teaspoon of either linseed oil or olive oil to your blender. Mix it well then toss it into your salad. After you have mixed in the dressing, add three ounces of unsalted nuts or seeds. Don't add peanuts, but you can choose any other type of nuts or seeds.
Detox is Complete
Once you have finished your month of eating a raw diet, you should feel better. You may even want to continue eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. Try to avoid high fat, fried and highly refined foods to help keep yourself healthier and detoxified for longer.
Make sure that you check with your doctor before starting any detox plan. A detox plan could have adverse affects on some conditions, so get your doctor's help in finding the plan that works best for you.