System Cleansing Diet
When to Cleanse
Cleansing diets can be used at any time during year to provide energy and give your system a rest from the toxins that constantly assail your liver and digestive system. Some of the signs that your system could benefit from a cleanse are fatigue, feeling bloated, headaches, skin ailments, gas and constipation.
A system cleansing diet is often a good idea before a lifestyle change such as eating a healthier diet and starting an exercise program. The diet can be a psychological motivator, too.
Cleansing Diet
To choose the right plan for your system cleanse, you should examine the ingredients and the length of time required to complete the cleanse. Some cleansing diets can last for weeks and others can be accomplished in a weekend. Fasting is often a part of a system cleansing diet, but there are herbal preparations that will eliminate the toxins in a short time that will not require days of fasting.
The lemonade diet or lemon cleansing diet requires you to drink a mixture of lemon juice, water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper for 10 days. Nothing else can be consumed during this period. You will lose weight on the diet, and proponents cite a number of other benefits as well. More energy, clear skin and an overall feeling of good health are the benefits that are claimed with this diet.
Side Effects
A cleansing diet may produce headaches, skin eruptions, bad breath and body odor. This is the result of eliminating the toxins from your body. Experiencing these symptoms is a sign that the diet is working.