Psyllium & Bentonite Cleanse
Using Bentonite To Cleanse
Taking bentonite supplements is a safe and popular ways to assist in a healthy colon cleanse. Bentonite is a highly mineralized clay taken from volcanic ash that forms into a gel when mixed with water. While in the colon it binds toxic substances to it, which it can then transport out of the bowels. After cleansing the bowels and removing the unwanted toxins, it leaves behind colon walls more prepared to absorb vitamins and minerals to create a healthier body. Bentonite clay is usually sold as a thick, light-grey gel that is tasteless, but can also come in a powder or capsule form.
Taking Bentonite Safely
There are many different manufacturers of bentonite supplements so it is best to follow the manufacturer's instruction for safe and proper usage. According to one report, it is optimal to take the clay when your stomach is empty. It can also be taken at least one hour before or after a meal or right before going to sleep at night.
It is recommended to begin by taking 1 tbsp each day by mixing it with a small glass of juice. Continue this dosage for one week, then slowly increase the dosage amount. It is not recommended to ingest more than 4 tbsps per day, taken in divided doses. Be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water each day while doing this to prevent constipation
Using Psyllium To Cleanse
There are many manufacturers that produce products containing psyllium fiber to help cleanse the colon and promote regularity in bowel movements. When mixed with water, psyllium forms a gel that has a sponge-like effect on the colon walls, removing any toxins that are impeding the absorption of vital nutrients and poorly effecting your health. Follow the dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer for a safe and effective cleanse of your body. It is recommended that you drink one to two glasses of water with each dose of supplements containing psyllium.
Fluid Intake
Drinking plenty of water and juice is effective in more ways than one when performing a detox. Water is helps remove unwanted toxins that were flushed through the bowels during a prior fasting process. Liquids are also important in preventing dehydration during a detox. Also, many juices contain sugars that assist in speeding up your bowel movements. Juices can also be a good natural source of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to stay healthy and energized during the cleansing process.
Raw Fruits and Vegetables
Since it is processed and cooked foods that tend to create or add to the toxins in the colon, a detox accompanied by mostly raw fruit and vegetables is your best bet for clearing out your system. Raw fruit and vegetables are very high in fiber, which assists the supplements in removing unwanted toxins from your digestive tract. Also, they contain the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes that are necessary for a healthy body so you won't feel weak during the cleanse.